I apologize for the lack of posting. My camera has been to one too many summer festivals, and did not survive the last :( The aperture is jammed, but it can be repaired (for $90..) SO for a while at least, I'll be forced to share images with you all from my mac's camera. I hope you can still see everything clearly enough!

Sculp-tor, rawr!
Here's a cute little thing I made in metal. It's for a hollow form construction project- he's made of several panes of steel welded together, then ground down smooth. All hand forged parts. I think I'm gonna paint it pink and baby yellow matte. This was alot of fun to make! I've got another piece that's almost finished in the same style. I'll post some pictures when the new one is finished (it's due Monday... eek).
Monday is my last final! Then I can finally accept the fact that it's summer right now, and I should not be in school OR worried about finals. Again.
I'll be in NYC for four days this weekend, and I'll try to post some pictures from the trip.
Love that form!
Love that form!
Love that form!
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