Upon examining my planner, I've just now realized how many projects I'm actually currently working on. (I nearly forgot my own birthday too, thank god it's in my planner as well) I need a better system of productivity. For a brief period of my summer, I became obsessed with productivity and this new indie movement of "
life hacking," that is, tweaking the details of your daily life to maximize output. Most of this starts with the internet- There are thousands of little apps that will run your life for you (especially if you're a Mac user), but I'm a little too old fashioned. I need things in ink on paper. I have a calendar in my bag instead of in my phone.
The problem is, I've never found a planner that works well for me- so I
made my own. It's a hacked Moleskine. I know they're super trendy, but honestly I keep using that brand because they don't catch on fire as easily as paper planners. Rouge sparks beware.
The problem I'm running into now is visual space. I think I need to see all of my thoughts laid out at once, so I can more easily delegate priorities and tasks. I'm gonna put them all on my wall. Each project will get its own page featuring its title, its deadline, and the steps and materials needed to complete it. Here's a start, if you're curious about all the ideas I've accumulated:
- Teddy Bear- Rhino 3D Digital Model.
- "Vertigo"- Single point perspective drawing in charcoal and graphite.
- "Mercy Me"- Newest song in the works (think Man Man meets Andrew Bird)
- Ponoko Sales- I need to get my Etsy shop off its feet, selling these.
- "TransBat"- Fiberglass sculpture investigating masculinity and normative gender identity.
- "Blind as a Bat"- Fiberglass sculpture investigating the blindness of Lady Justice.
- Spiral Papers- Hundreds of little paper spirals being made for future site specific. installation art.
- Transmodern Festival: Pedestrian Service Exquisite- Writing a proposal for my participation in April.
- Steel Candle Holder- Still needs to be polished and waxed.
- Business Cards- Need printing and customization. I'm running low.
- "Lil' Dickies"- A multiples based installation project in clay.
- 3D Drawing- As investigated here.. needs to be finished.
- 5 Page Analysis on Hitchcock's "North by Northwest," "39 Steps," and "Saboteur."
- Editing video for Tim McFadden in exchange for studio time.
- Working with Shelly Blake-Plock on his upcoming album.
Oh, and laundry. Lots of that to do too.