This is a show next weekend that I will definitely be participating in. I did Out of Order a few years ago, and my painting sold for $300 in silent auction. ANYONE can hang their art in the gallery, and you can make money doing it!! Plus, you get a free ticket to the gala on Friday night (a $40 value), which is totally worth the trouble. MAP (Maryland Art Place) is located between Ram's Head Live and PowerPlant Live in Baltimore. Great shows, great times.
The following is from Bmore Art:

OUT OF ORDER is a signature fundraising event at Maryland Art Place (MAP). MAP welcomes Baltimore’s contemporary artists to participate in our annual Do-It-Yourself exhibition and party!
This year, there are several changes in how Out of Order will be presented. We hope the information provided (Link) will make it easy for you to join in the fun!

Tickets $40 each. All Artists are invited to participate.
During the 24-hour non-stop Do-It-Yourself installation, beginning at 9am on April 6 and ending at 9am April 7, each participating artist hangs one original piece in the MAP galleries.
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