Animation 101

To Animate: To give life to; fill with life

1/ Aquire a lightbox. 
2/ Equip lightbox with a three prong registration peg.
3/ Draw some lines.

4/ Draw more lines on top of those lines.

5/ Draw more lines.

6/ Draw lots and lots of lines.
7/ Spray all the lines with fixatif so they don't move on you.

8/ Wear a respirator so you don't get blazing high on fixatif.

9/ Align and light the paper
10/ Take a picture (or two) of every single drawing

And voila! Animation!

Horror Vacui: The Fear of Empty Spaces

Total Drawings: 122
Shot in 2's; 244 frames per cycle
30 fps


De Campo said...

Mmmmmmm fixatif.
