A few weeks ago, I helped Ellen out with her MFA Thesis show called "Blindheaded." She presented her large-scale drawings and forged-steel dresses. I love Ellen's work, and I was really glad that I was able to assist with her show. Se has taught me so much about sculpting; I dunno where I would be without her help. Anyway, some pictures of the exhibit just turned up:

For the opening and reception, Ellen had nude models stand in her gowns as the audience walked around the room. Our jobs as assistants was to help the ladies in and out of the complicated dresses, and to stand by them while they held their 45 minute pose. It all went pretty well, except that the woman in the center dress passed out about 30 minutes in. It was really scary to see her sort of melt through the self-supported steel, her limbs limp and her eyes still open. It took about eight people to support her and remove her from the dress, but she recovered fully.
There was a videographer taping the pre-show, so whenever I find the video he made I'll post it here (I'll be in it!) Ellen's show will be up till the end of the month in the Towson MFA Gallery... Definitely go see it!
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